Events and Programs
Martin Luther King Prayer Breakfast
The annual HSBD prayer breakfast held on Martin Luther King Day commemorates the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his contributions to changes in the law and social justice. At the breakfast, the HSBD “Drum Major for Justice Award” is presented to an individual or organization recognizing his, her or their contributions in perpetuating the convictions of Dr. King to make justice, equality, and opportunity a reality for all people. The name of the award originates from one of Dr. King’s final sermons about a eulogy that might be given in the event of his death. According to Dr. King, “If you want to say that I was a drum major, say that I was a drum major for justice. Say that I was a drum major for peace. I was a drum major for righteousness.”
Past recipients of the HSBD Drum Major for Justice Award are:
2000 Byrd R. Brown, Esq.
2001 Prof. Derrick A. Bell, Jr.
2002 Rep. K. Leroy Irvis
2003 Ms. Alma Fox
2004 Wendell G. Freeland, Esq.
2005 Dr. Vernell A. Lillie
2006 Hon. Livingstone M. Johnson and Hon. Justin Johnson
2007 Mr. Nate Smith
2008 Hon. Cynthia A. Baldwin
2009 Dr. Helen S. Faison
2010 Mr. Regis D. Bobonis, Sr.
2011 Mr. Tim Stevens
2012 Hon. Kim Berkeley Clark
2013 Eric W. Springer, Esq.
2014 Hill House Association
2015 Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh
2016 Lois Mufaka Martin
2017 Rev. Glenn Garrett Grayson, Jr.
2018 Paul H. Titus, Esq.
2019 Larry E. Davis, PhD
2020 The Hon. Dwayne Woodruff and Joy Maxberry Woodruff
2021 Tracey McCants Lewis, Esq.
2022 Mayor Edward C. Gainey
2023 Rep. Summer Lee
2024 Jerry Dickinson
2025 The Hon. Joseph K. Williams, III
Black History Month Celebration
The annual HSBD Black History Month Celebration commemorates the founding of Black History Month, the forerunner of which was Negro History Week, established in 1926 by historian Carter G. Woodson and the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History. The second week of February was chosen to be Negro History Week because it marked the birthdays of both Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. In 1976, the federal government acknowledged the expansion of Negro History Week to Black History Month. At the Black History Month Celebration, the HSBD Spirit Award is presented to an individual or organization who has exhibited leadership qualities, as well as a commitment to the promotion of equality and the advancement of justice among the African-American community. The Spirit Award allows HSBD to seize the opportunity to honor accomplishments of those who have positively affected Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout history.
Past recipients of the HSBD Spirit Award are:
2005 K&L Gates LLP
2006 New Pittsburgh Courier & Renaissance Publications
2007 Hon. Cynthia A. Baldwin
2008 Divine Intervention Ministries
2009 Chancellor Mark A. Nordenberg
2010 Lisette M. McCormick, Esq.
2011 Rosa Copeland Miller, Esq.
2012 Bill Strickland
2013 Hon. Joseph K. Williams, III
2014 Negro Educational Emergency Drive (NEED)
2015 Dina L. Clark
2016 Vanessa German
2017 T. Rashad Byrdsong
2018 New Voices Pittsburgh
2019 Gwen’s Girls
2020 Emmai Alaquiva
2021 Jasiri X and 1Hood Media
2022 Harold Hayes
2023 Jerrel T. Gilliam
2024 Terri Minor Spencer
The HBSD Young Leader Award is also awarded annually. The HSBD Young Leader Award is presented to an individual who has exhibited leadership qualities and a commitment to the promotion of equality and the advancement of justice among the African-American community. The award is given to a HSBD member 1) under the age of 40, 2) who has actively participated in HSBD and 3) has actively participated in at least one other committee, division or section of the ACBA. The award allows HSBD to seize the opportunity to honor the accomplishments of young attorneys who have positively affected African-Americans.
Past recipients of the HSBD Young Leader Award are:
2015 Regina Wilson, Esq.
2016 Tony J. Thompson, Esq.
2017 Tyra Oliver, Esq.
2018 Morgan Moody, Esq.
2019 Tynishia C. Powell, Esq.
2020 Kellie Ware, Esq.
2021 Jesse I. Exilus, Esq.
2022 Morgan Bonekovic
2023 Gabrielle Lee
2024 Jacqueline Brown